Tuesday, January 19, 2010

National Health Care or Else

The GOP winning the seat held by late T Kennedy is good for anti big government types. It's a step in the right direction anyway. No one saying that this Brown guy gonna turn out good or worse but it's for sure he's better then the alternative. The Obama/progressive agenda is still in play. A 40% tariff on anything that isn't a national single choice health plan except for the unions, who get a break for a few years. Why is it always the unions with this President? Of course the break for the unions will be extended until the only thing without the national health care plan will be union shops. Do you think this will be used as leverage to make any and everything unionized? Noooo, not unions. They are never corrupt or do things under the table like that. (Sarcasm). The handwriting on the wall is so blatant that it bleeds through anything used to cover it. The ability of the little guy to prosper in this country is at stake. You can't have an elite class (oligarchy) without a proportionally huge lower class to support it. The cap and trade bill is another vehicle that is a means to this end.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Is it 2010 already?

I haven't heard a lot of talk about resolutions, yet. Now, at 2010, we are firmly entrenched into the new century/millennium. I did hear someone say that we are now ten years into the millennium. Of course, that brought up the subject of when the calender actually start. To make it simple and to "cut to the chase"; I asked him when he counts to ten does he start with zero and end at nine or does he start with one and count to ten. Eleven is actually the beginning of the next group of numbers, not ten. 2001 began the millennium, not 2000. Also, being at work and in charge of maintenance, I get to hear about how hot/cold and damp/humid it is in here. Which gives me the opportunity to introduce into the conversation the actuality of the non-existence of cold. Cold is a relative term and isn't a quantity that exists Per Se. Actually we measure heat in greater or lesser degrees. There is a sun that produces heat but no ginormous ball of snow producing "cold". There is just heat and the absence there of. Once you remove all heat it cannot get colder. Placing ice in a drink uses heat energy to melt the ice to make it, um, less hot. As you can imagine, this discourse usually has the desired effect of boring whomever is hoping for more heat/cold; maybe even introduces the idea that such things are relative.