Monday, April 26, 2010

Abby Sunderland

I have been following the exploits of the 16 year old as she sails around the world. Her auto-pilot ckonked out so she is denied the "unassisted" part of the title. That doesn't mean that she hasn't earned soemthing that she'll own for the rest of her life that no one can take from her. If I were her, I'd have some words with the auto pilot people. Still, is has been great following her blog. It seems our country is going places it has never been and no one knows what the future brings. This 16 years old has shown (or is it reminded) us to pursue our dreams. This is the highest kind of leading by example. I don't think that I'll sail around the world but maybe, just maybe, I'll clean the basement. And then, start that thing I always meant to start. You never finish if ya don't start.