Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Good catch

I watch the Glenn Beck show today. It was a very good show to me for a lot of reasons. It spoke to individuals and he spoke in paradigms. This potus is maiming our country. This has begun before he came along but now is growing at leaps and bounds. People other then eye open conservatives are starting to see the picture and the slippery slope we have jump on.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Post

Feeling a little down today. Just thought a quick post would be a good idea. If you have a blog then you should at least write in it. I saw a t-shirt blurb that I thought was funny. It goes "Some people are like slinkys, there really no good for anything but always bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4th

Just had my 20 yr anniversary. Such milestones bring thoughts of looking back and comparing different times and places. I can't help thinking "what if I knew now when I was back then". I am still following the 16 year old sailing around the world on her own. Most 16 year olds are so unsure or at least uncomfortable with themselves. (Me included.) Even with the internet and other connections with civilization, a person would have to come "face to face" with one's self. I guess I have noticed this because I have struggled with my identity for so long. Some people are so comfortable with who they are and others seem to have nothing but questions after questions. How do others see me? How do I see me? As God breathed life into me as I was knitted together in my mother's womb, my body type, mind and personality were attached to me to be formed during life; but they are not me. People have families, jobs and hobbies but these aren't truely their identities either. People define others that cross their path by their behavior or job or how they spend most of their time. Ultimately, we are each an indivudual child of God.