Monday, February 1, 2010

Pro-choice only "pro" for one choice

If you've heard of Tim Tebow these days you may not be only be a football fan. Focus on the Family (God bless'em) Shelled out a couple of million for a short commercial spot during the superbowl. This instigated numerous protests because the Heisman trophy winner's mother describes her run in with those who would have her abort her child and her decision not to. She chose not to abort her baby and evidently this is the wrong decision for those who would have the commercial spot pulled. Wouldn't that make them pro abortion instead of pro choice? There's a TV show during the morning hours of the week day who's purpose is to dispense the cultural Kool-aid of what we all should be thinking. It's called the View. One panelist named Joy Behar disputed any relevance of the notion that this would be an argument about abortion because their is no way of knowing weather a person will be good or bad at birth. The point the pro abortionist is missing is that it's a good idea to not abort (kill) a baby for a number of good reasons and it is not a good reason to abort (kill) a child in case the child might turn out bad. The lengths pro-abortionist go to for spin is revealing in of itself. There have been those people who say hide your bibles or keep them at home for decades now in this country. This is a direct assault to slowly take God and ethics out of our country. I remember a Stephen King tv movie called a Storm of the Century. The antagonist requires the village give up a child to his evil self or the whole village perish. Previously, the evil one visited a similar village generations ago and the whole village suffered death rather them give up one of most vunerable members to be raised by an evil being. The modern day village however choose to give up one of their own for their own survival. The story went on to describe how the village suffered for their choice and how their lives were forever changed. Certainly today, the pro-abortionist would have no qualms about giving up one of their own? Who in this culture would stand up and forfeit their life to protect a child from the evil one?

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